Friday, March 20, 2015

COLUMN: Team Yarn, Hats for cancer patients!

by Aurora J. Pass
PHS Press staff Member

Team Yarn – Head Huggers helps cancer patients. It’s an organization that makes hats, scarves, shawls, blanket, and so on for cancer patients, and you can help us by donating in the Team Yarn drop box at PHS. Team Yarn’s website is:, and the Facebook page is: Team Yarn - Head Huggers.
Team Yarn was founded by Amy Pass, my mom, because her mom, my grandma Cheryl Slater, died of cancer. We wanted to do something to help.
 “Starting Team Yarn gave me something productive to do when I was grieving after my mom died from cancer,” said Amy. We started Team Yarn because the hospital that my Grandma was at gave her hats, and we wanted to help.
The co founder of Team Yarn is Tesha M. Christensen Pettit, teacher of the Newspaper Writing Class at PHS. Team Yarn just celebrated its second birthday at the January 2015 meeting. Meetings are every third Sunday of every month at Silverwood Park in New Brighton  from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
 The meetings are a time for people to get together, knit, crochet, and drop off finished projects to donate to hospitals. Stop by if you want. We always love new members of our group.
We try to donate to hospitals once a month. Every time they are always happy to get new items to give away. It makes everyone happy to know people care so much.
There is a Team Yarn drop box at the table when you walk in the door at Planet Homeschool. So, whoever wants to donate can. If you do donate please pin your name to the hat so whoever gets that item can know who made it. I will be taking your items home at the end of the day.  You don’t have to know how to knit or crochet. You can donate items you made or yarn.


  1. This sounds like a great cause. It's nice to know more about the story behind the donation box at PHS.

    1. Thank you! I love writing stories that inspire and are interesting to people!

    2. Thank you! I love writing stories that inspire and are interesting to people!
